by SophieHoward | Mar 24, 2023 | Uncategorized
It is the pinnacle of success for every aspiring author, and the moment that you have likely dreamed about ever since you penned your first hand-written story as a child: the day you get the green light to get your book published. This can seem like an impossible...
by SophieHoward | Mar 24, 2023 | Uncategorized
Even if you don’t specifically know what a subtitle is in a book, you have definitely seen them before. Head to any bookshop and go to the nonfiction section, and you are bound to see a few examples there. A subtitle can be the defining factor between a success...
by SophieHoward | Mar 24, 2023 | Uncategorized
In the modern day, there are plenty of ways that you can publish your work and allow your audience to access the content that you create. Whether you’ve got plans to release a novel or even a body of literary pieces, the options are endless when it comes to digital...
by SophieHoward | Mar 24, 2023 | Uncategorized
As any writer will be aware, there is one aspect of writing that dominates all others, which stands at the pinnacle of any writer’s list of priorities, and without which the remainder of all tasks are fruitless: we are referring, of course, to capturing the...
by SophieHoward | Feb 9, 2023 | Uncategorized
If you want to become a writer for whatever reason, there are a few specific steps you can take, but our main advice here is for you to immerse yourself into the craft of writing. If you really want to become a writer, wholly dedicating yourself to it should not be...
by SophieHoward | Feb 9, 2023 | Uncategorized
If you are a writer and you have just finished your book and you are ready to publish it, you may think you have the hardest bit out of the way. If you are a writer you should be good at writing, however, being a good writer unfortunately might not make you the best...