50,000 words tends to be 100 pages single-spaced, or 200 pages when double-spaced and using standard 1-inch margins, size 12 Arial Font, and an A4 (i.e. letter size) page. Standard documents that are over 50,000 words or more are considered full length novels, and would like 167 minutes to read.

However, these figures can vary according to the font you use, what size font you use, the margin size, your paragraph pacing settings, and if you use more than one space after a period. For instance, a 1-page single spaced document in Arial font will create only 0.9 pages with Times New Roman or Calibri font.

Which Font Takes Up More Pages?

Verdana is the font that will create the most pages used in documents and other essays. Verdana tends to create 1.1 pages for every page written in Arial and 0.9 pages for every page written with Calibri or Times New Roman in Google Docs or Microsoft Word. However, these are just estimated figures.

If you want to write as few words as possible for your school assignment in order to hit a page count, we would advise using Arial or Verdana if you can.

How Many Sentences Is 50,000 Words?

50,000 words is around 2,500 to 3,334 sentences, and a sentence normally has 15–20 words.

How Many Paragraphs Is 50,000 Words?

50,000 words is around 250 to 500 paragraphs for essays or 500 to 1,000 words to improve skimmability and make the document easier to read.

A paragraph is normally 100 to 200 words long and has 5 to 6 sentences.

How Long Would It Take To Write A 50,000-Word Essay?

It takes around 20.8 hours on average to write 5,000 words on a keyboard with a typing speed of 40 words per minute.

How Many Pages Are 50,000 Words When Single-Spaced?

A typical single-spaced page contains 500 words. 50,000 words single-spaced is 100 pages.

How Many Pages Are 50,000 Words When Double-Spaced?

You may be tasked to write a document with double-spacing to make the piece easier to read and to provide space for readers to leave feedback or comment. A typical double-spaced page contains 250 words, and 50,000 words double-spaced is 200 pages.

How Many Pages Is 50,000 Words?

How Many Pages Are 50,000 Words When Written By Hand?

Handwriting tends to be about twice as large as words typed in 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font which makes single-spaced handwritten pages the same as double-spaced pages. 50,000 handwritten words and single-spaced words would equal 200 pages.

6 Tips For Writing 50,000 Words

Write In The Morning

Set a page target or word count target. It can be as small as 250 words to get the creative juices flowing. Writing first thing in the morning will help your productivity and motivation. So before you freshen up for the day, or check your emails or social media, open up your WIP and get some words down. You’ll thank yourself later on in the day!

Organize Your Writing Into 30 Minute Tasks

Setting aside half an hour a day to write seems pretty reasonable. To get ready for that half an hour of creativity, think of the tasks you can realistically do in 30 minutes and jump straight into them. In 30 minutes, you could write a character profile, write a page of the story, or do some polishing and editing.

Decide What Can Be Done Without Your Computer

When you’re away from your desktop, make a list of writing tasks you can do without technology. This way, you can have productive tasks to do that will push your writing goals, even when you’re at a dentist’s appointment or grocery shopping.

Brainstorm how to fix plot holes, dream up some place names or character names, or scribble some interesting location details to incorporate later.

Have Someone Who Will Keep You Focused

Joining a writing group that regularly meets up or keeping a friend updated with a chapter or two every couple of weeks is a great way to keep motivated. Knowing that someone is waiting to read more of your story is a wonderful way to keep focused.

Time Yourself

When you sit down to write, work out exactly what you’re going to work on for a certain amount of time and then set a timer on your phone (if your phone has a timer built in).

Being aware that you only need to keep working for a certain amount of time really helps you to avoid distractions and stay focused. We recommend setting a timer for 45 to 50 minutes, before taking a 10 to 15-minute break to stretch your legs, get a snack, do some household tasks, respond to messages before setting the timer again and focusing on your next task.

Delegate Or Outsource Non-Writing Tasks

As much as we may like the opposite to be true sometimes, unfortunately we can’t write all day every day! But when you have a goal to meet, it’s worth taking the time to review your everyday responsibilities and habits and work out if they can be delegated to someone else.

For example, can your partner make dinner a couple of times a week? Can your kids help with chores? Can you hire someone to do your gardening, or a babysitter to take care of the kids once a week so you have uninterrupted writing time? Once you’ve delegated and outsourced some of these tasks, use this new free time to do some writing!

Final Thoughts

We hope our article has put into perspective how many pages and paragraphs 50,000 words are and how things like paragraph settings, spaces, and font choice and size can make a big difference.

50,000 words seems like a daunting task but implementing some of our writing hacks will hopefully help you to hit that target quicker. Happy writing!



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