If you are dreaming about publishing a book, then you might want to know how hard it is to get a book published. After all, so many people dream of doing so, but never actually take the plunge to get it done. Writing the book might seem like the easy part, especially when the majority of wannabe authors aren’t even sure how to get a book published in the first place.
These days, there are more than one way to get a book published. You can go the traditional route of finding a publisher who is willing to publish the book.
Or, you could self-publish it, which is actually the easiest form of publishing these days. Even so, which one is right for you? In this article we shall take a look at how hard it is to get a book published, and what ways you can go about doing so.
How Can You Get A Book Published?
Before you can get your book published, you will want to seek out the different ways in which you can become a published author. While one way might seem better than the other, both methods actually have their own positives and negatives. For example, if you go the traditional route, you are more likely to see a big readership and profit, yet you lack control.
However, choosing the self-publishing route means you have all the control – that includes the storyline and the book cover, but your readership may be small. For this reason, let’s take a look at both methods in more detail.
Self-Publishing Method
The self-publishing method has become popular over the past decade. Not only are there more avenues which to do this (Amazon and Blurb), but you also have the full rights to your own intellectual property. It also means that you do not have an editor wanting changes to your story.
While they often have years of experience – after all, they have likely sold plenty of successful books – they might also want to change something for marketing purposes.
You also get to see the full profit that you make, rather than having to split it with other people. While your royalties may be on the smaller side, at least it is all yours. Some writers who are a part of an agency never see any of it.
How Can You Self-Publish A Book?
It is now easier than ever before to self-publish your book. You can have it published in both an e-book form and physical, with most platforms including both. Amazon is one of the top ways to self-publish your book, and it allows people to easily find it and buy it, or download it to the Kindle.
However, if you want to make sure your book has a professional edge, you will want to spend time and money getting it right so it is ready for the world to see. This means making sure your book is in tip-top shape, has great artwork, and that people have read it before its release to ensure it is good.
Hiring an editor is also a good option, but you can listen to constructive criticism from friends or even strangers. Just make sure they are not biased.
The Traditional Method

The traditional method is still the most sought-after way to publish a book. However, it is also the most difficult. It is not surprising that hundreds of people send their manuscripts to publishers every month in the hope it will become a book.
However, most people are faced with what they dread – the rejection letter. If a publisher does accept your book, then you will have their experience at your fingertips. More often than not, a publisher will organize a book tour and perhaps even interviews.
You may even have help building a successful social media campaign. If you self-publish, you do not get any of these perks, and have to do all the promotion yourself. Also, the pay can be substantial for an author. Indeed reports than published novelists can earn around $46,000.
How Do You Find A Book Publisher?
Before you can even get a book published, the majority of publishers want you to have an agent. Without any form of representation, publishers are likely to ignore you. Once you have an agent on board to work with you, they can then help you through the process of getting a book published.
But even then, you will still need patience and positivity – the manuscript can still be rejected. So, how do you actually find an agent? Finding an agent takes a lot of research. This is because you will need to know what authors they have worked with, and what genres those authors write about.
You will want an agent who represents the niche similar to your manuscript. When you find the perfect agent, send them a letter or email introducing yourself and asking about their services – but do remember to be professional.
How Can A Literary Agent Notice You?
If you do want an agent to take notice of you, think about self-publishing first. They are more likely to represent you if you have an audience already. Or you can get some work published in a journal, or even submit your stores to local unpublished manuscripts awards.
A literary agent is an important thing to have, because they will build up your reputation as an author too.
Final Thoughts
If you are determined to get a book published, then there are ways to go about it. While the competition is fierce, people do get their books published, whether using the traditional method or by self-publishing.
While you might think your manuscript is perfect as-is, always take on feedback, and remember that making changes to the book is an important process for every single author out there.
Once you have the manuscript ready to go, try to enjoy the process and do not let any negative criticism or feedback get you down. Good luck!