There is no doubt about it: books are the most important thing in life, and they can be a source of inspiration or entertainment for anyone who reads them. This may seem dramatic, but take a moment to consider the contents of any library that you have stepped into.
Consider the vast array and sheer variety of books that are available to you, each covering a myriad of topics from history to science to philosophy.
The point is that there is so much choice when it comes to reading material out there, and this means that there will always be people who want to write their own book – but what happens if someone has already claimed your perfect title?
Can two books have the same title? We took a closer look at the answer to this question, and we put together all that you need to know.
Can Two Books Have The Same Title?
The simple answer is that in theory yes, two books can have the same title with no legal repercussions or copyright issues, as copyright does not extend to protect names, common phrases, or titles. In practice, however, it is a good idea to try and avoid using an identical title for your book, as this can be confusing for readers.
The title you choose for your book is one of the most important considerations and decisions you will have to make – your title gives potential buyers a clear indication of what your book is about, and how it differs from other titles on the market. If you use a similar title to another author’s work, then you run the risk of confusing your audience.
This is why it is vital to think carefully before choosing a title for your book. You should also bear in mind that some publishers require authors to pay extra money for the right to publish a certain title, which could mean that you end up paying more than you would like to, though this is usually restricted to niche, specific situations.
How To Choose A Great Book Title?
Before you start thinking about writing your book, you first need to decide on a great book title. It is not enough to simply come up with something catchy; instead, you need to ensure that your title is unique and memorable. We have some top tips to follow to help you find a great book title, and these include:
Think About Your Audience
If you are planning to self-publish your book, then you will probably want to target a general audience. However, if you are looking to sell your book through traditional publishing channels, then you will need to focus on finding a publisher who shares your interests.
Keep It Snappy
Your book title will be one of the first things that your potential reader encounters about your book, and you aim to entice them in and keep them interested. Make sure that your title is short and snappy, and that it clearly indicates what your book is about – this gives a taste of the contents, and should attract curiosity and attention.
Don’t Give Too Much Away
Remember, your title is a chance to offer your readers some insight into what the book is about – but you do not want it to give away the whole story! Instead, you should aim to provide just enough information to pique interest, without giving too much away. This way, you can build anticipation for your book, and encourage your readers to buy it.
Avoid Using Exact Titles Of Other Works

As we mentioned, it may seem obvious, but you must never copy another author’s exact title for your book – this can be confusing for readers, and may even cause legal problems. Instead, look at the overall theme of the book, and see whether there are any common words or phrases that you can use to create a new title.
Be Creative
You don’t always have to stick to the same formula when creating a book title. In fact, you can often get creative and try out different options, such as combining two words or playing around with punctuation.
Remember, however, that you still need to avoid copying someone else’s title, so you might want to consider using an alternative word or phrase that has been used by others in the past.
Consider How Your Title Will Look On Paper
You will need to take into account the size of your font when selecting a title. For example, if you are going to print your book yourself, you will need to make sure that your text fits within the margins of the page. If you plan to use a professional printer, they may ask you to submit your book in advance, so that they can check that everything looks okay.
Check With An Expert
A good idea is to seek advice from an expert in the field of your book. They can advise you on how best to choose a title that will appeal to your intended audience, and also suggest other titles that could work well.
Why Use Amazon KDP?
As we mentioned, Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a service offered by Amazon which allows authors to upload their books directly to Amazon’s website. Once uploaded, customers can read the book online, and purchase it. Authors can set their own prices, and retain all rights to their content.
The process of uploading your book to Amazon is free and takes less than 10 minutes. Once signed up, you can begin uploading your book immediately. Some of the main advantages of Amazon KDP include:
You Can Self Publish
Amazon KDP offers self-publishing services, meaning that you do not require a publisher to publish your book. You can upload your manuscript, select a cover design, and then decide on your own pricing structure.
Your Book Is Available Worldwide
If you choose to go down the traditional route, you will need to find a publishing company that deals with international sales. However, with Amazon KDP, your book is available worldwide, and you can sell it through Amazon’s global network.
You Don’t Need To Pay A Publisher Fee
When you choose to go down this route, you will usually need to pay a fee to a publisher, based on the number of copies sold. However, with Amazon, you only need to pay a small percentage of each sale. This means that you can keep more of the money earned from your book.
Final Thoughts
Choosing a title for your book can be a challenge, but once you have done some research, it should become easier. It is important to remember that you shouldn’t just pick something off the top of your head – think about what would interest potential buyers, and why they would buy your book.